Senior Cycling

Senior cycling is an affordable and practical way to get around later on in life. The cost and effort of keeping a car and license maintained makes driving unattractive for many senior citizens. Public transport, with all its merits, simply isn’t practical to make it worthwhile.

• Perhaps you live in the country and have only a limited bus service

• Perhaps your local transport system is irregular, inconvenient or just unattractive

• Perhaps you can’t afford, or don’t have a license to drive a car

• Perhaps you don’t feel able enough to ‘get around’ and see people, do things and enjoy life to the full

• So perhaps you’re missing out on seeing friends and family because you’re “stuck”.

Isolation is horrible. You shouldn’t feel “tied down” simply because you don’t have a means of getting from A to B. But finding a practical (and affordable) solution is hard, even impossible.

Cycling has many benefits. Not only do you get gentle exercise but you also can travel quickly, affordably and independently; its “greener” too. Gentle exercise can help raise your metabolism and release endorphins which make you feel happy – and stress-free.

Cycling however can be seem daunting, particularly if you’re less athletic than you used to be. That’s why electric bicycles are useful. Their electric motors do all the leg work, so all you have to do is a very gentle and relaxed cycling motion. It’s all the benefits of cycling, but even more suitable for seniors.

Electric bikes aren’t complicated either. The battery and motor are relatively simple in design generally, and the actual riding of the bike isn’t far from a “traditional” bike. Many actually feature a simple red button which you press to get your extra push. The controls are designed to be simple and intuitive.

Is an Electric Bike for You? Discover more below:

How an Electric Bike Works

Electric Bikes for Easier Exercise

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